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Strengthen your Faith with Answers from the Word of God.

Saving Faith

Do you have faith that brings eternal life?

Or some other faith?


Find the Answer of Saving Faith.


The Word for the WHY?s

Discover a series of Bible Studies that will strengthen your faith and deepen your understanding of the Word of God.

Find the Answers to your questions of WHY?


Daily Bible Reading Plans

God desires for us to be fed by His Word every day. These 2023 Daily Bible Reading Plans will help you read through the entire Bible or the entire New Testament in one year.

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Bible Study Guides

Bible Study Guides are printed in Uganda by permission from the original authors. Booklets cost only the cost of printing.

Find Bible Studies to give you more Answers.


Follow along with us as we study through the book of Matthew. Our current video series is available on our YouTube channel.

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"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."         Colossians 4:6

(c) Copyright 2017-2024 Faith Baptist Church (Namugongo)

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